Archives for the ‘ReRave’ Category


Yesterday marked a day in history that will be remembered forever.  The Step Evolution team just accomplished what had never been possible prior to this date of September 11th 2010 with music games.  The “official word” was finally given to us yesterday that development could continue with a project that required hours of precise planning(s) during the past months.  It’s exciting to know that a resolution has been determined and that all of the hard work is going to pay off!

The adventure has begun and will prove to be an evolutionary change in the world of interactive music games.

The Imminent “Future”

Recently posted to my facebook and certainly applicable to what is to come…

What will Be?


It’s fun for me to see what “ITG” & “Stepmania” players have accomplished in step sequences from the original “mine” and “rolls” concepts back in the ITG development days. I guess it was actually a good idea eh? 🙂 There was a time in the past when people were negative at these innovations… Glad to see the times have now changed!

Every person in the community is responsible for making it what it is…  People will always continue to innovate and change the future that sometimes deviates from what others envision before us.
The exciting part of being an “innovator” is sitting back and seeing people thrive off these original ideas…  You can’t possibly describe how amazing it is to see something change the future and mark a standard for people globally.
I’m extremely excited to soon be able to bring another “spark” that could excite people and impact the market once again.  The days of my excitement are hard to contain as this new “innovation” comes to light.
I’m not trying to create “hype” or an empty promise by my words –  I’m just extremely excited to be doing my part to keep the “rhythm game” community migrating thriving into the future.

August 8, 2010 – New Project in the works!

This week has been absolutely amazing.  I can’t wait to reveal details about the next “secret project” that I’ve been working on.  It will be EPIC & I’m absolutely positive that you will love it if you enjoyed some of the projects that I’ve been involved with in the past!