Archives for the ‘News’ Category has been launched

rerave launched today on December 6th, 2010!
On the website users will find the latest news, updates, and events regarding all ReRave products. Stay tuned for further development progress, additional song list info, and videos.ABOUT: Never heard of ReRave? Check out the “About” menu for a brief description, or drop by the “Media” section for a sneak peak at our step version alpha in progress. This demonstrates ReRave in a exergame application.

MUSIC: Get a sneak peak into part of the ReRave song list by streaming songs from the “Music” section. Both licensed music and specially designed songs for ReRave are ready for you to listen to and updated constantly. While we won’t show you all of the songs just yet, new songs will be featured here throughout the life of ReRave. You don’t want to miss out on what’s coming next!

SCORES: Coming Soon – Users from all over the globe can visit the scores section of to see how they rank against others. Updated live and daily linking all ReRave users of all platforms together.


ReRave logo!

Progress moves forward with ReRave!  Our logo is now complete and there is now a preliminary alpha build of the game.  Great progress indeed!  We look forward to keeping everyone updated as development continues.  Are you getting as excited about the game as we are?!   😎

Step Evolution – Our Official Logo!

After our “ReRave” announcement last week, we wanted to share our official logo with everyone.  Step Evolution looks forward to providing the market with innovative products and changing the world in ways that were never before possible.

Step Evolution

ReRave – “This is The Beginning”


The past months have been a great excitement.  As you may have seen from various “hints”, we are hard at work on a brand new video game project.  Several of you may be familiar with our involvement in past projects such as:  In The Groove series, Pump It Up Pro1,  iDANCE2 and others.  You (the players) have kept us going over the years and we are excited to reveal our new creation to you very soon.  We are still quite some time from completion, but we won’t keep you in the dark!

Why is it so cool? : ReRave is absolutely a first of it’s kind.  After all the years that we’ve been involved with interactive reaction games, this new concept is very evolutionary.  We’ve learned A LOT about reaction games over the years and you (the players) will also be the ones to experience our evolution.

What is it?  What will it be for?  : This is a brand new series of products.  What does that mean?  It is PATENT PENDING and has been through months of legal research.  We’ve done our homework from the start and you will see why!

Is it Stepmania based? : No, ReRave doesn’t contain a single element from the stepmania engine.  It is being constructed from scratch!

More information is on the way, but for now:  Have a look at our TRADEMARK located here.  We look forward to providing players with something new by strengthening the community and providing tournaments & events in the future.

What is your mobile phone of choice?

To the users that frequent this site –  What is your preferred mobile device?  Iphone (iOS or Android?!) Your answer(s) could have an impact on the future and determine “order of priority”   Looking forward to your comments!