Archives for the ‘News’ Category

KaW & WMD Performance – June 8th 2006 Portland, Oregon

Preliminary Info:

John and I will be performing on June 8th in Portland, OR
at Ground Control for the TRONix event

Ground Kontrol
511 NW Couch St.
Portland, OR 97209
p: (503)796-9364

And what is X-tra cool, is that it is a “classic video game” arcade!
No ITG or DDR, but you CAN play some Galaga or maybe get your Donkey Kong on, I myself am kind of a Missile Command guy… And at the same time, rock out to your favorite KaW, Inspector K, When Machines Dream, Banzia, Oscillator X, Smiley, etc. tunes
Anyway, the show will rock and it’s FREE to anyone over 21.

So any PDX peeps, hope to see ya’ there!

Upcoming ITG Shows

I’ll be attending upcoming shows:

ACEN (with Red Octane demoing ITG)
May 5-7, 2006 – Hyatt Regency O’Hare & the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center

E3 (with Red Octane)
Friday, May 10-12
Los Angeles Convention Center

Anime North (with Red Octane demoing ITG)
Anime North 2006, May 26-28
Toronto Congress Center, 650 Dixon Road
Doubletree International Plaza, 655 Dixon Road

Be sure to come on by and introduce yourself. See you at the shows! 🙂

*ahem* Update time!

I’m happy to report that both KaW CD’S “Synthsations” & “Urban Comatose” can now be purchased at your local Tower Records. I’ve been very happy with the release of these CD’s. Additionally, you might start to hear these play on your local electronic music stations. (If you are lucky to have them) 🙂

OscillatorX has also been in full force lately. It’s been a pleasure working with my old John Mendenhall after such a long break. People have really liked our latest Oscillator X track, “Dance All Night”.
We have more plans for tunes…just you wait!

Next addition to my music overload news… Pete Ellison and I have decided to put on a liveshow at Sakuracon this year in Seattle. I hope to see everyone there… it’ll most certainly be a blast for all.

Here is the announcement –

*** Kid Whatever & Kyle Ward Live Show ***

Seattle, Washington:

Kyle Ward (Seattle, WA) – Live performance!!
Kid Whatever (Donut Nook, PD-XXX) – Extended DJ set!!!

Friday, March 24th
@Sakuracon (Anime Convention) “Club Sakura” Dance
Washington State Convention & Trade Center
All Ages, con admission required for more info

Ok…I think I’m out of breath. That was certainly an intense post. More news to come soon!

Kyle A. Ward

Urban Comatose RELEASED!

I just got back from the Roxor 2005 Nationals in Las Vegas, NV. I had such a blast hanging out with the ITG players there. You are all incredible and I thank you for coming to the event. The Future of ITG is looking brighter then ever! 🙂

Urban Comatose - KaW 2006
Urban Comatose has now been officially released! You can be the first to own your copy from my CDBABY outlet. You can purchase the album here! Thank you for supporting my music and allowing me to continue doing what I love. More exciting music is on the way!


Kyle A. Ward

FAQ update!

I’ve added a few questions that I received to my FAQ page. Please don’t hesitate to email your *cough* semi-serious questions if you would like to have them answered!

All has been well with me recently. It’s sure nice to able to spend some quality time at home lately. I forgot about how nice it is to be able to sleep in your own bed for a change! 🙂
Is everyone looking forward to the holidays? I know I am! I’ll be off to Banff next week to visit a very close friend and chill with ‘el familia’. Maybe I’ll get a chance to get some skiing in too!

I’ve scheduled some studio time with my old bandmate & good friend John Mendenhall back home in Vancouver, WA. I’m looking forward to jamming and recording some new Oscialltor X material. I’ll be sure to post some updates as they occur.