Archives for the ‘News’ Category

Ground Kontrol Performance (1/11/07)- Aftermath

The show went very well! Thank you to everyone that attended. Big thanks goes out to David Chandler and Ground Kontrol staff. Every time I’ve been to this venue I leave impressed. Great job of rearranging the games. These guys certainly do a sensational job of running things! Ground Kontrol is definitely a one of a kind venue with personality and great atmosphere. I look forward to the many shows here in the future!

Here is a recording of a live song from the show. Enjoy! 🙂

Hello 2007 + Updates!

Well, the new year is here! Hope everyone enjoyed the great holidays!

I decided to spend the holidays with family this year. There are great memories from Christmas and New Years that I won’t go into here…

Be sure to check out some of the new pictures on my flickr site.
Luckily there was a local Starwars exibit at OMSI in Portland. I was able to check that out and got to see various props/facts/material that was used in the original movies. It was quite a site to see really. Check out a couple of these pictures…

starwars_vader starwars_chewy2 starwars_hover craft

George Lucas rocks! 🙂
Here is a couple starwars themed videos for your enjoyment!

Rude Darth Vader
[flv width=”320″ height=”240″][/flv]

Japanese Darth Vader Parody

[flv width=”320″ height=”240″][/flv]

Additionally, I got a chance to check out some ancient Egypt exhibits at the art museum in Portland. this resulted in several inspired ideas for new music. Also, I’m now the proud owner of a manature Anubis and Ra! I’ve placed them both in my studio to watch over me as I work. Creepy eh?

In general, I’m very excited about the potential of this new year. There is a lot going on right now with my music and projects in general. Collaborations are planned and new “ideas” are documented.
Planning/applying occuring right now! I’m excited because many waters are “uncharted” and mystery lies ahead. I’ll be sure to reveal it all right here as it happens. I think some people might be pleasantly surprised.

You may have noticed, the site has received some updates. Why? Because of new partners and outlets that I’m now involved with. I decided to give things a slight upgrade and make them more “user friendly” for people. This includes server upgrades, new higher quality jukebox/picture picture streaming badge, comment flags based on the commenter location. Be sure to interact and check things out for yourself! Watch out for new preview songs! Additionally, there will be several new features and content upgrade “options” for people who frequent the site. I hope to improve things along the way. Don’t hesitate to contact me with your ideas!

Many performances and live shows have been planned for the year. (both local and far away) If you haven’t seen some of the past shows, now is your chance! I’ll be sure to announce them all here and keep you updated. Thank you to all the fans that have stuck with my music through the past years and continued to enjoy it. Thank you to all the people around the world that continue to send me comments and gifts.

Is there something coming in the future? You bet there is!
Best wishes to everyone for the new year!


Kyle Ward

The Future

Today, Something new has begun. A new era is before us…

KaW + WMD + DJ Broken Window – Performance @ Ground Kontrol – January 11th

We apologize that our perfomance at Ground Kontrol has been rescheduled due to a huricane (a huricane in Portland?!! give me a break….) We have re-scheduled the performance for January 11th. Hope to see you there and sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.
As always……….


Show Info (Reposted)-

That’s right, I’m going back to Ground Kontrol! I will be performing live with: John Mendenhall and DJ Broken Window. I’ll be doing a few KaW songs and John will be doing a few WMD songs. Broken Window will be doing is usual with added twists! Don’t miss out on this awesome performance.

Additionally, we will be teaming up for a live beatbox jam. We’ll be making music live on stage. Complete improv where anything can happen! John will be representing Korg with the EMX Electribe, and I’ll be representing Roland with the MC-909.

Be sure to come on out and see the performance if you are local. (21+ only, sorry!)

Ground Control
511 NW Couch St.
Portland, OR 97209
p: (503)796-9364

Performance – Jan 11th, 2006 – Portland, Oregon @ Ground Kontrol

That’s right, I’m going back to Ground Kontrol! I will be performing live with: John Mendenhall and DJ Broken Window. I’ll be doing a few KaW songs and John will be doing a few WMD songs. Broken Window will be doing is usual with added twists! Don’t miss out on this awesome performance.

Additionally, we will be teaming up for a live beatbox jam. We’ll be making music live on stage. Complete improv where anything can happen! 🙂 John will be representing Korg with the EMX Electribe, and I’ll be representing Roland with the MC-909.

Be sure to come on out and see the performance if you are local. (21+ only, sorry!)

Ground Control
511 NW Couch St.
Portland, OR 97209
p: (503)796-9364