Archives for the ‘Life’ Category

Happy Thanksgiving ’07

Hand - Thanksgiving Turkey

I’d like to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving. Be sure to get out there and have some with your families!

John and I have been hard at work on the New SCI Recordings website. We will soon have a formal announcement, and would like to invite you to head on over and check it out. What would you like to see more of? Be sure to drop us a line!

Space Case Industry is committed to providing great dance music, across the universe!

SCI Recordings

The New SCI Recordings store is up and running, you can now purchase 320kbps MP3’s directly from our store via paypal for $1.25. This includes many of the “previews” you’ve seen here on the Jukebox. Yes, you can now purchase final mixes direct from the source!

SCI Recordings Store

Pump It Up continues to do well! the IAPPA 2007 show created a lot of buzz for both Pump It Up Pro and Pump It Up NX2. A future Pump title is now being considered and much news to come. It appears machine dance continues to be strong! 🙂

Congratulations goes out to NX2’s release video from Andamiro Korea!
(Please note the game is not currently shipping. It will be available within the next month)

Happy Turkey Day from the Pacific Northwest!


Tour de KaW + New Oscillator X song (Sugar Sweet)

[flv width=”320″ height=”240″][/flv]

I’ve had some recent questions about my “environment”, so I made a quick video to show this off. Enjoy!

“Oscillator X – Sugar Sweet” is now available for preview (in the jukebox) and for FREE download HERE

Hello 2007 + Updates!

Well, the new year is here! Hope everyone enjoyed the great holidays!

I decided to spend the holidays with family this year. There are great memories from Christmas and New Years that I won’t go into here…

Be sure to check out some of the new pictures on my flickr site.
Luckily there was a local Starwars exibit at OMSI in Portland. I was able to check that out and got to see various props/facts/material that was used in the original movies. It was quite a site to see really. Check out a couple of these pictures…

starwars_vader starwars_chewy2 starwars_hover craft

George Lucas rocks! 🙂
Here is a couple starwars themed videos for your enjoyment!

Rude Darth Vader
[flv width=”320″ height=”240″][/flv]

Japanese Darth Vader Parody

[flv width=”320″ height=”240″][/flv]

Additionally, I got a chance to check out some ancient Egypt exhibits at the art museum in Portland. this resulted in several inspired ideas for new music. Also, I’m now the proud owner of a manature Anubis and Ra! I’ve placed them both in my studio to watch over me as I work. Creepy eh?

In general, I’m very excited about the potential of this new year. There is a lot going on right now with my music and projects in general. Collaborations are planned and new “ideas” are documented.
Planning/applying occuring right now! I’m excited because many waters are “uncharted” and mystery lies ahead. I’ll be sure to reveal it all right here as it happens. I think some people might be pleasantly surprised.

You may have noticed, the site has received some updates. Why? Because of new partners and outlets that I’m now involved with. I decided to give things a slight upgrade and make them more “user friendly” for people. This includes server upgrades, new higher quality jukebox/picture picture streaming badge, comment flags based on the commenter location. Be sure to interact and check things out for yourself! Watch out for new preview songs! Additionally, there will be several new features and content upgrade “options” for people who frequent the site. I hope to improve things along the way. Don’t hesitate to contact me with your ideas!

Many performances and live shows have been planned for the year. (both local and far away) If you haven’t seen some of the past shows, now is your chance! I’ll be sure to announce them all here and keep you updated. Thank you to all the fans that have stuck with my music through the past years and continued to enjoy it. Thank you to all the people around the world that continue to send me comments and gifts.

Is there something coming in the future? You bet there is!
Best wishes to everyone for the new year!


Kyle Ward

Thanksgiving 06 update!

It’s hard to believe I started the KW site almost a year ago? Yikes! Time is sure flying by!

I’d like to start off my update by thanking all the nice people for their comments about the October ITG news. It’s been a pleasure to receiving such positive emails & comments from players and fans from all over the world! Keep on Groove’n! 🙂

Things have been very busy lately in the music world for me. I just signed a deal to allow KaW music to be featured in several television networks and advertsiements. It should be rather exciting to hear tunes over these networks. I’ll be sure to keep you posted.

The Most exciting news that I have; is the expansion of the studio this month. That’s right!; we have expanded the rack + synth arsenal by 30%! Please welcome the Roland JP8080 and the Emu Orbit3 to the KaW family. Additionally, the Electrix Warp Factory, Edirol um880, and Behringer rx1602 have also been installed to compliment the new additions. These new tools are incredible and have already sparked several musical ideas. I look forward to using my new audio paint brushes in the future songs.
I hope everyone had a great holiday, more news to come!


A True Utopia…

Evolution is a funny thing. Something starts, develops, and eventually finds the way. A foundation has been set! The future is very unclear and yet so bright. You can never go back to the beginning, yet you yearn to change the future from the past. Is it like a puzzle? Can results be manipulated from the ever changing pieces?

The journeys’ knowlege is always within. Would you have chosen a different equation now possessing the wisdom?

Thank you for contributing and making it possible.