
New Music added to ReRave Weekly!

Development continues with ReRave in the 2011 year.  Our team is back to work and it’s hard to believe we are just WEEKS away from having our first internal betas of ReRave.  ReRave will make it’s first appearance on iOS devices and will be Step Evolutions first release of several other platforms to follow.  The iOS release of the game is projected for the 1st quarter of 2011.   We appear to still be on schedule!

ReRave Alpha - titlescreen

New music is being added weekly!  Be sure to keep an eye out on for updates and new arrivals. Leave us your comments, suggestions, hate messages, and everything else!  Are you following us on facebook or twitter yet?!   

We continue to get emails, facebook messages and contacts from people  all over the world concerning ReRave.  It seems that people are as excited as we are!  Big thanks to everyone for their support and being a part of the next evolution in reaction games.  Haters beware…  ReRave will be released and we aren’t stopping production for the small negative comments that we see!

Do you have comments, questions or concerns?  Don’t be afraid to leave them for us!  We’ll do our best to respond when we can!

We look “FOYWARD”   to providing you with something new to enjoy in the 2011 year.

ReRave – A second look & basic gameplay

A video demonstrating the core gameplay and sequence programming of ReRave. ReRave is a “reaction based” game from Step Evolution.

Basic “tap” reaction notes are the highlight of this video. NOTE: ReRave contains several tap “types” and features not yet demonstrated.

Please feel free to contact us via our website ( or facebook page ( We love to hear your comments!

ReRave will be making it’s way to the market in 2011!
ReRave is trademarked and PATENT PENDING. has been launched

rerave launched today on December 6th, 2010!
On the website users will find the latest news, updates, and events regarding all ReRave products. Stay tuned for further development progress, additional song list info, and videos.ABOUT: Never heard of ReRave? Check out the “About” menu for a brief description, or drop by the “Media” section for a sneak peak at our step version alpha in progress. This demonstrates ReRave in a exergame application.

MUSIC: Get a sneak peak into part of the ReRave song list by streaming songs from the “Music” section. Both licensed music and specially designed songs for ReRave are ready for you to listen to and updated constantly. While we won’t show you all of the songs just yet, new songs will be featured here throughout the life of ReRave. You don’t want to miss out on what’s coming next!

SCORES: Coming Soon – Users from all over the globe can visit the scores section of to see how they rank against others. Updated live and daily linking all ReRave users of all platforms together.


ReRave – A First look at the future!

People have been asking what ReRave is, so we figured it was time to share a sneak peak of what we’ve been to!  Be sure to keep up with news and upcoming release info on the Step Evolution site.  As you can tell, We are extremely excited to be  involved with this project and look forward to innovating the industry.  ReRave is trademarked and Patent Pending.


ReRave logo!

Progress moves forward with ReRave!  Our logo is now complete and there is now a preliminary alpha build of the game.  Great progress indeed!  We look forward to keeping everyone updated as development continues.  Are you getting as excited about the game as we are?!   😎