
Cat Wash 1.0

Todays viewing entertainment is brought to you by the fine folks at Pet Spa. They are releasing a new incredible product for pets. “The Kitty Spa”, Check it!
[flv width=”320″ height=”240″][/flv]

Strange Sea Creature Surfaces!

I ran across something very interesting that I thought I would share with people. Today, In China; a sea creature was found. What makes this so special? Why should anyone care? This creature is normally found at ~ 28,000 ft below the surface. It is said to be a cross between an eel and a shark. Have a look! What else is down there?! A bigger question might be; why on earth did it come to the surface? Why never before today? 🙂


Disconnected Zeo Video

Todays feature presentation will include many phones, operators, and lots of destruction. Enjoy!

[flv width=”320″ height=”240″][/flv]

Credits: R. McKanna, M. Aanerud, R. Araldi, B. Bondy

New Downloads – Create your own Disconnected!

Today, I’ve added a new section to the downloads part of the site. I’ve now started to include “sample packs” for other musicians to use with their music creations. The first sample pack I’ve made available (by popular demand) is the famous “Disconnected” series from the Inspector K project. I’ve include my raw recordings and other material that was used for these original songs. It is my hope that this will help others create their own disconnecteds for years to come. Be sure to drop me a line and make me aware of your new disconnected mix once it’s ready! You can find the “sample packs” download link by viewing the entire FILE directory link. (Located HERE) Have fun! 🙂

Ground Kontrol Performance (1/11/07)- Aftermath

The show went very well! Thank you to everyone that attended. Big thanks goes out to David Chandler and Ground Kontrol staff. Every time I’ve been to this venue I leave impressed. Great job of rearranging the games. These guys certainly do a sensational job of running things! Ground Kontrol is definitely a one of a kind venue with personality and great atmosphere. I look forward to the many shows here in the future!

Here is a recording of a live song from the show. Enjoy! 🙂