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Ladies and gentleman, it’s now time for me to officially use that obligatory “You Tube” account I signed up for ages ago. Why haven’t I done this sooner? Who knows… 🙂

Chris Foy and I decided to record some righteous, and totally bodacious videos over at Big Al’s this weekend. We captured a few of our Pump It Up Pro games, and decided to waste some of youtube’s bandwidth with them! Additionally, We ran into some other local Pump Pro players. The players have really started to expand in the Vancouver/Portland area. Check out some of the crowd shots from Big Al’s that night.

Pump Pro - Big Al’s #1Pump Pro - Big Al’s #2

Pump It Up PRO – Journey Progressive Course 99.07% (S)

Check out more videos from our play session HERE

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Kyle A Ward

I love technology and enjoy developing interactive multimedia products.

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