We apologize that our perfomance at Ground Kontrol has been rescheduled due to a huricane (a huricane in Portland?!! give me a break….) We have re-scheduled the performance for January 11th. Hope to see you there and sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.
As always……….
Show Info (Reposted)-
That’s right, I’m going back to Ground Kontrol! I will be performing live with: John Mendenhall and DJ Broken Window. I’ll be doing a few KaW songs and John will be doing a few WMD songs. Broken Window will be doing is usual with added twists! Don’t miss out on this awesome performance.
Additionally, we will be teaming up for a live beatbox jam. We’ll be making music live on stage. Complete improv where anything can happen! John will be representing Korg with the EMX Electribe, and I’ll be representing Roland with the MC-909.
Be sure to come on out and see the performance if you are local. (21+ only, sorry!)
Ground Control
511 NW Couch St.
Portland, OR 97209
p: (503)796-9364
Psh you totally planned that hurricane and wanted to screw your fans over.
My security word was “tea” mmmm delicious teaa…
So we endured the storm and came out unscatheed – though in the Portland /Metro area over 171,000 home were without electricity. Kyle and I just had some flickering at our respective homes. We are looking foreward to playing January 11th!
I wish I could go to your show! 🙁 I’m from Greece and a bunch of my friends and I found your music on myspace. We’ve had it on repeat ever since. Goodluck Make more music!!!