Preliminary Info:

John and I will be performing on June 8th in Portland, OR
at Ground Control for the TRONix event

Ground Kontrol
511 NW Couch St.
Portland, OR 97209
p: (503)796-9364

And what is X-tra cool, is that it is a “classic video game” arcade!
No ITG or DDR, but you CAN play some Galaga or maybe get your Donkey Kong on, I myself am kind of a Missile Command guy… And at the same time, rock out to your favorite KaW, Inspector K, When Machines Dream, Banzia, Oscillator X, Smiley, etc. tunes
Anyway, the show will rock and it’s FREE to anyone over 21.

So any PDX peeps, hope to see ya’ there!

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Kyle A Ward

I love technology and enjoy developing interactive multimedia products.

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