
Archives for April, 2006

Upcoming ITG Shows

I’ll be attending upcoming shows:

ACEN (with Red Octane demoing ITG)
May 5-7, 2006 – Hyatt Regency O’Hare & the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center

E3 (with Red Octane)
Friday, May 10-12
Los Angeles Convention Center

Anime North (with Red Octane demoing ITG)
Anime North 2006, May 26-28
Toronto Congress Center, 650 Dixon Road
Doubletree International Plaza, 655 Dixon Road

Be sure to come on by and introduce yourself. See you at the shows! 🙂

First weekend in Vancouver, WA!

I’ve spent my first week & weekend in the Portland/Vancouver from Seattle. It’s nice being back in my ol’ hood! 🙂

I got a chance to hang out with some old friends and enjoy the new pool I was physced about! YES IT IS THAT GOOD! Man…Olympic Size swimming from 8am to 10pm! OK, this is a true utopia.

So… I’m also happy that I’ve almost finished Stargate Sg-1 complete season 1-5. Check it out!

(season 3-5 GOOD STUFF! – Why does this show R0x0r so much?) hahah

And Finally, after enjoying several hours of Stargate (while I work in the foreground) I decided to go visit my old hangout Ultrazone. I use to play serious lasertag back in the day…. I mean SERIOUS laser tag ok? Sheesh, I’m not even joking around here people.

Ultrazone was cool because we use to have “lockdown” parties all the time from 8pm to 3am. Lasertag can really be fun if you play with the right people. It’s sort of like an inexpensive paintball game. It really depends on the quality of the area though too… Ultrazone’s happens to have a great layout too.

(I still got the magic! #1 score for 5 games straight…woohoo!)

ahhhhh yeeeeeeeahhhh. Han Solo with the ~ 30,0000 score. Booya (does a little dance) Speaking of dance, I was really happy to find a Pump it Up at Ultrazone. Man….I’m gonna be there every weekend I swear. (Well not really….too much work to do of course. hahah)

As you can see, things are working out so far. I’m really enjoying the PDX life once again. It’s going to be a lot of fun. Anyway, until next time. Peace!


Last days in Seattle – Moving on!

Well, It’s a fresh new week!

I’ve now moved from Seattle to Vancouver. Yes indeed; enjoying life in southern Washington once again! However, not all is done yet. Hopefully, the move to my new permanent location will go well after returning from ACEN 2006 and E3.

What did I do for my final week in Seattle? I decided to walk around and enjoy life in the emerald city one last time. Here are some memories that I uploaded to my flikr page.
My beloved DDR 5th mix at Seattle Center. RIP!


Gameworks and it’s Sticky pads!  (2 were actually sticking at one point)  I actually got told that I couldn’t “freestyle” or do any handstands ever again. Oh well…It’s appearantly for “my protection”. (hehehe)

Xuxa strikes again!

Foy & I doing some picture taking….*cough*

Thank you to being a big part of my life for the past 5 years Seattle. I’ll certainly be back sometime soon.
Hello Portland/Vancouver…. I’m back and ready for action! 🙂